MSCS's Second Annual Ping-Pong Tournament.

From: "R. Philip Grizzard"
Subject: MSCS's Second Annual Ping-Pong Tournament
Date: March 11, 2003 at 10:17:30 PM CST

Monday, March 17th, 1:00pm, SEO room _636_ (St. Patrick's Day!)

1:00 Recreational play (no preregistration required, anyone may play)
2:00 Competitive tournament* (SPECTATORS WELCOME!)
*Please reply to reserve your entry for the Competitive Tournament.

**NOTE: Room 636 will be open for ping-pong starting after classes Friday,
March 14th, and throughout Spring Break**

The competitive tournament will allow each player to play the same number of games; it is not an elimination tournament. There is a wide range of experience and ability in the competitive tournament, so regardless of your ability, register if you don't mind competing. There will be a clear-cut MSCS ping-pong champion at the conclusion of the tournament.
